
And in the high def battle the winner is....

BLU-RAY. Blu-Ray has officially trounced its opponent, HD-DVD. Similar to the BETA-Max vs. VHS battle, consumers and distributors did not know which format to put them money towards. Slowly but surely companies and consumers chose either HD-DVD or Blu-Ray. As of last week, the battle became very ugly and one-sided when Wal-Mart, Best Buy and Netflix all chose to exclusively endorse Blu-Ray. This trifecta of content distribution put the final nail into the coffin of HD-DVD. What now?

Well all the owners of HD-DVD players are out of luck. The XBOX360 will no longer advertise the HD-DVD add on you can purchase separately. The PLAYSTATION 3 will probably see demand increase because it is a $500 Blu-Ray player (one of the cheapest out there). Finally, a slow phase out of the DVD format is likely to occur in order to force consumers to endorse Blu-Ray.

Stay tuned for more updates on Blu-Ray and how the once equal HD-DVD will disappear from existence.

1 comment:

becausenicematters said...

First it is the TV now the cd/dvd player...what's next? Microwave?